Oakwood Arts Outdoor Virtual Learning Park
This year, students and parents are working hard to adapt to virtual learning. In order to help our students succeed, we will be transforming the outdoor space at our building on P and 35th Streets in Church Hill into a welcoming place for the community to utilize as an outdoor learning park. The Oakwood Arts Outdoor Virtual Learning Park will include Wifi that extends to socially-distanced seating areas around the lawn so students can spend time outside while attending their virtual classes. The Park will also include a lending library with school supplies, art supplies, and books, and it will be stocked with cleaning supplies and masks. We will ask all visitors to adhere to community safety guidelines and practice social distancing. Keep an eye on our Instagram page for word on when the Park will be open!
If you are interested in helping us to transform our space, or have building skills and would like to assist with designing and creating our lending libraries, please contact info@oakwoodarts.org!
Virtual Schoolwork Support Tutors
During this virtual school year, we will be working to pair RPS students in the East End of Richmond with supportive mentors + tutors who can assist families with their child’s individual online learning goals. Our tutors will assist 3rd-12th grade students virtually with subjects including Reading, English/Language Arts, Math, and Science, as well as technical support for the challenges that come with online learning. We will equip our tutors with creative tools and activities that support the RPS curriculum as a way of encouraging hands-on learning, incorporating art and creative problem solving into students' work, all using an integrated STEAM approach.
Interested in supporting your community by becoming a tutor? Our schoolwork support tutors will commit to volunteering for at least six, weekly, hour-long sessions with an individual student. To apply to be a tutor, and for more info for interested families please visit www.oakwoodarts.org/schoolwork-support-tutors.