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Held annually on the third Monday of January, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a national day of service and time to recommit ourselves to aiding others. Dr. King devoted his life to advancing equality, social justice, and economic opportunity for all. We may not be able to come together in our communities this year, but we can still make it "a day on, not a day off."

OAKWOOD ARTS Artist-in-Residence STEPHANIE J.WOODS invites us to participate. (All ages)


Relax. Relate. Release. (RRR)

Monday, Jan. 18 — Sunday, Jan. 24
Relax. Relate. Release., or RRR, is a community-engaged project that Stephanie J. Woods began in 2018. She invites participants to take a seat and write a response to a question. The goal is to stimulate reflection and conversations in what she considers to be a meditative space for those who seek to maintain their dignity in the face of prejudice, aggression, and violence. 

We will be sharing these written responses throughout the next two weeks on our social media accounts. Your responses will remain anonymous. 


OAKWOOD ARTS Director of Workforce Innovation CHIP JACKSON invites us to view. (13 and over)

 The F.A.M.M. Project's

Did Anybody Ask Us?

Documentary • 45 min 21 sec • Directed by Chip Jackson and the F.A.M.M. Project

In 2016, a group of teenagers came together to tell a story of their America and to create a dialogue around what they felt were the country's most pressing issues—to ask questions, discover answers, and work toward solutions.

OAKWOOD ARTS Instructor-in-Residence SAM PAGE invites us to join. (All ages)


Good Trouble Comes in All Colors: Allyship Matters

Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
Sam Page will be speaking on an alumni panel tomorrow as part of Emory & Henry College's MLK Week of Celebration: a week of virtual events to honor and celebrate the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. They will discuss the legacy and impact of MLK on the lives and careers of the alumni present. You can tune in to the panel discussion using the link below. 

Meeting ID: 879 5525 5138
Passcode: 272480
Supporting creative opportunity for all. 
Copyright © 2021 Oakwood Arts, All rights reserved.

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2216 E Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23223

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