Upcoming Programs + Events

After-School Animation Classes

This month we are starting an 8-week after-school program with middle and elementary school students at Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club. We are working with VCU kinetic imaging students and recent graduates, who will serve as lead mentors teaching students about stop motion and digital animation!

Animation by our mentor, Mitchell Craft.

Story Hour Program

(with Peter Paul Development Center @ Bellevue Elementary + Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club)

Starting February 7, Oakwood Arts is hosting a weekly after-school Story Hour, with a book reading and related art activity. We'll have readers from creative industries and visiting artists leading the activities with two of our partner organizations.

For this month's Story Hour we will be reading Drum Dream Girl, which was inspired by the childhood of Millo Castro Zaldarriaga, a Chinese-African-Cuban girl who broke Cuba's traditional taboo against female drummers. 

East End Quilt Collective

Brian Palmer and Erin Hollaway Palmer, who are part of our East End Quilt Collective Project, have an upcoming exhibition and artist talk at 1708 Gallery about their work at East End Cemetery. Oakwood Arts will be participating in the community engagement portion of the exhibit, both at the gallery and on-site at East End. Stay tuned for more details on our EEQC Facebook page EEQC Facebook page.
City Studio Holiday Party — 12.20.2018

We had a great time with our City Studio cohort as we wrapped up the year and celebrated with a gingerbread house design challenge.

Antoinette Essa, a news anchor at CBS6, stopped by to surprise the group with a brand-new DSLR camera to be used in our programming. Thank you Antoinette!
Ashleigh Brewer, who is an architectural associate at Johannes Design Group, stopped by to share her architectural knowledge and skills. She worked with students alongside our board president, Aubrey. Thank you Aubrey and Ashleigh!

Stay tune for more about our City Studio Spring Break 2019 which will commence in April.
Winter Solstice Party at Candela Gallery — 12.21.2018

We hosted a holiday cocktail party with Candela Gallery to thank our incredible volunteers and supporters. It was a great evening to wrap up our first ever year-end appeal.

You can check out all of the awesome photos by Julie Tripp and Terry Brown here. Thank you to everyone who came out to support, as well as the folks at Candela for hosting!

Our second annual SOLSTICE auction is currently in the works and will take place on Saturday, June 23

Stay tuned for further updates and early bird tickets!
Check out our City Studio gingerbread house designs!
Albert's (6th grade) two-story home with a chimney and garage.
Asaia's (6th grade) minimalist one-story rancher.
Interested in volunteering at Oakwood Arts?
We have 13 brand new and recurring interns joining us for this spring semester!

We are always in need of dedicated volunteers with experience in working with graphic design, web design, costume design, photography, animation, and film and video (editing and production). If interested you can fill out our volunteer form. We would love to have you on our team to help teach classes and guide our students!
Want to give to Oakwood Arts but don't have time to volunteer?
Donate to Oakwood Arts!
Every bit you give helps us bring inspiring
and experiential learning programs to our community.

Thank you!
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