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Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who donated on Giving Tuesday! We know you had a million worthy causes to choose from, and we are grateful you picked Oakwood Arts. Your contributions help support our mission to make creative careers accessible to all with programs and activities you can read about below.
Fall Programs
Digital Photography
With the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club
The young photographers in our weekly after-school photo program have been building their digital skills by exploring portraiture, landscape, point of view, depth of field, light painting with long exposures, and lighting techniques. We also got to visit Tilt Creative + Production and photojournalist Brian Palmer's show at City Hall. 
Photography Mondays 

Each Monday, we began hosting sessions for teens looking to continue developing their photography skills and pursue their individual interests. Participants have been meeting up to work closely with our amazing program mentors and take field trips to learn from professionals in the field. A few highlights included a trip to the props truck on the set of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, and a visit to VisArt's after-school darkroom class, where students guided each other through the process of developing their first prints.

Fall Events

Halloween Costume Drive

We are so thankful to everyone who donated and volunteered to help make our third annual Oakwood Arts Halloween costume drive a success. We handed out costumes for kids of all ages at the Robinson Theater Fall Festival on October 27 and loved getting a chance to see so many excited trick-or-treaters. We are already looking forward to next year and more community events to come!


Lucky for us, 1708 Gallery's annual InLight exhibition was right in our neighborhood this year, in Chimborazo Park. It was freezing both nights, but that didn't stop people from stopping by our booth to design their own characters as part of our community stop-motion animation project. We also paired up mentors and mentees to document the show and practice their nighttime photography skills. 

Holiday Happenings

Student Exhibition
At the Black History Museum 

Remember our summer digital photography classes at BHMVA? Well, we had the wonderful opportunity to curate and help install works by the 22 students who completed our Jackson Ward: Beyond the Lens program. The work, on display through December 21, highlights the Jackson Ward neighborhood through the eyes of middle and high school students, so be sure to check it out!
Winter Solstice
Friday, December 20 — Save the date!
This year we will be hosting our second annual Winter Solstice at Candela Books + Gallery. Come get your photo taken at our holiday booth while enjoying a beverage from the bar. You can also take a look at Candela's current exhibition, Bring a Date, before it closes. 

Thank You to Our Supporters!

Big news! We are thrilled to announce that we’ve recently been awarded not one but two major grants. 

The first, a Community Impact grant from the Community Foundation, will go toward organizational and staff development. This vital capacity-building support will help create long-term sustainability, which is what we’re after. The stabler we are as an organization, the stronger our programs will be — and the greater our impact. 

The second, from the Herndon Foundation, will help fund operations. This is the third year in a row we’ve received a grant from Herndon, which was among our earliest supporters. It is no exaggeration to say that we would not be where we are today without their generosity. In fact, we might never have gotten off the ground. 

The Community Foundation had this to say about us: “Our support of the arts is focused heavily on organizations that provide access to the arts in an equitable fashion. Not only does Oakwood Arts fit our strategy, providing Richmond youth with free resources for a wide range of art forms, but the content and quality of their programming is unique in that it exposes students to career opportunities in these fields. It is our pleasure to invest in such a worthy organization for the good of our community.”

We’ve worked hard to earn that praise, and in some ways we’re just getting started. We are immensely grateful for the support of the Community Foundation and the Herndon Foundation as we continue to grow. 

In Case You Missed It...
The Richmond Times-Dispatch wrote an article about us this summer! 
With the help of a little bird, Oakwood Arts breathes life into to an old church building

June 12, 2019 — Bill Lohman
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Don't have time to volunteer but want to help?
Every dollar you give helps us bring inspiring
and experiential learning programs to our community.

Thank you!
Copyright © 2019 OAKWOOD ARTS, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address:
2216 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23223

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